Tech and Business Dev

Six Web Apps in Twelve Months

Personal project, tech startup, unicorn company that'll go to the moon? Ha! ...

This year 2022, I plan to launch 6 web apps publicly while documenting the process. Mainly I'm doing this so throughout the year I can improve my skills while make a little money in the process. I also want to experiment with new technologies and growth/marketing strategies so I can use what I learn there to improve my clients projects.

Since I'm a full stack developer I can build EVERYTHING myself making the build cost negligible. Once I have the fundamental codebase, I can reuse the majority it on other projects saving me a ton of time. All I have to worry about is swapping out the ideas and creating a new UI. They are all essentially just C.R.U.D.(Create, Read, Update , Delete to a database) apps and only one or two will have an extensive backend. It's like math, once you can do a few basic operations, you can do anything.

My criteria for choosing which idea to pursue will change in the future undoubtably, but this year it's something like this:

Must solve a personal problem or answer a good question

Can be monetized with a SaaS business model

Something everyone can use - B2C, friends and family too

Work with user generated data, not paid external data feeds

I'll maintain long-term interest and use it frequently

Capable of learning how to do it entirely myself

Can be bootstrapped, no fundraising or permits required

1. Life

The holistic life management tool. Organize, plan, track and progress through life's ups and downs

2. Friend SOS

Distress signal broadcast for the people you care about.

3. Mindfulness

Recreating psychologists experiment In, "Wandering mind not a happy mind".

4. Monitor City's

Learning about cities and their societies by listening to its citizens' social media feed using machine learning.

5. Congress

Monitor donations from special interest groups and review how lawmakers vote along with the social media activity of our congress members.

6. DevAlter

A place to host and showcase my work and side projects to the world.

So what do you think?
