Algo and Data Structures
160 Coding Questions Spanning 15 Categories
Working through Algo Expert's interview prep to get passed tech gatekeepers
I've been working down the list of coding interview question from and On this page I'll discuss my progress on Algo Expert. These problems are all about reaching the simplest solution in the best Big O time and space complexity. Meaning using the least amount of memory/space and the fastest run-time, the least amount of data iterations. Learning all these types of algorithms and data structures is fascinating but it isn't all that useful in my day-to-day development if I'm being honest, however there are those rare moments when to use a certain technique, then knowing this kind of stuff makes all the difference in your code. Anyway, it's a critical part of any serious technical interview and also when you're doing more serious backend development, not for the faint of heart. It's also kind of a rite of passage for backend engineers to travers a binary search tree in O(log n) and be familiar with something like the Dijkstra's algorithm if for no other reason than to geek out with other devs on how to find the shortest path between nodes.
Below is a list with my current progress along with some notes on the really interesting problems and the ones I don't want to forget. I'm going to keep studying these until I finish them all!
last updated: 2/20/2022